What is the difference between “undefined” and “null”?
By using the textContent property , you can output a string while also specifying the location.
Explanation of “undefined” and “null”
Both null
indicate that no value has been set, but there are differences in their usage and meaning.
Explanation of undefined
undefined indicates that a variable is defined but has no value set.
Also, undefined is returned when an attempt is made to refer to a variable that is not defined or to refer to a property of an object that does not exist.
Explanation of null
A null is an explicit indication that a value does not exist.
Assigning null to a variable allows the variable to be empty.
Difference between “undefined” and “null” and how to use them
undefined indicates that the variable is defined but has no value set. On the other hand, null explicitly indicates that no value exists.
The usage of “undefined” and “null” is shown below.
let x;
console.log(x); // undefined
let y = null;
console.log(y); // null
let obj = {};
console.log(obj.x); // undefined
So “undefined” is something that has no value set, and “null” is something that explicitly states that the value does not exist!
Summary of the difference between “undefined” and “null
The difference between undefined and null is summarized below.
indicates that the variable is defined but no value is set.null
explicitly indicates that the value does not exist.null
You can empty a variable by assigning it to the variable.undefined
is a special value defined in JavaScript.null
is a value that can be used explicitly by the programmer.
As a programmer, it is important to understand undefined
correctly null
and use them in appropriate situations.
Be careful not to confuse undefined with null: undefined indicates that no value is set, while null explicitly indicates that no value exists.
Remembering the correct usage will make your programming easier.